New base release of defs 1.0
Warning: Undefined variable $mainDir in /customers/6/b/8/ on line 19
Warning: include(defs/short.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /customers/6/b/8/ on line 19
Warning: include(): Failed opening 'defs/short.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/share/php') in /customers/6/b/8/ on line 19
3/5 2015 New major subrelease of iCalcreator 2.22
The iCalcreator 2.22 release requires PHP >= 5.3.0 due to major updates in the selectComponents method.
The returnCalender/useCachedCalendar methods no longer stops PHP script (die), return TRUE on success!
iCalcreator.class.php is now split into class and function files and need a new PHP iCalcreator invoke.
Release summary: 
- Updates:
- fcn selectComponent() and supporting fcns
(major REWRITE due to a number of bug reports)
- selectComponent() now also accepts arg 1 as datetime obj (as fromDate), arg 2 datetime obj (toDate) (and arg 3-6=null)
- fcns _recur2date() accepts arg2-4 as datetime obj
- no X-CURRENT-DTEND if no DTEND (DUE) is set
- only one reccurrence a day
- a RDATE will overwrite any RRULE reccurrence, on an date (Ymd) basis.
- any EXDATE must exactly (Ymd[His]) match any RRULE/RDATE recurrence for exclusion
- the property X-RECURRENCE contains the RRULE+RDATE recurrence pattern number
- new property X-OCCURENCE contains recurrence day number (ex. 'day X of Y')
- fcn returnCalender(), set Content-Disposition as 'inline' (when new 3rd arg=FALSE, default=TRUE)
- fcns saveCalendar() and useCachedCalendar(), removed (direcory/filename) args
NOTE, the returnCalender/useCachedCalendar methods no longer stops PHP script (die), return TRUE on success!
- fcn parse(), mgnt of the first 'BEGIN:VCALENDAR' row (ex. remove BOM char)
- fcn parse(), support PHP context (new 2nd arg.)
- overall fcns, sprintf (YmdHis) mgnt
- removed obsolete functions
- split iCalcreator.class.php into class and function files
- Moving common vcalendar and calendarComponent methods into upper abstract base class
NOTE, new iCalcreator PHP invoke
- Bug fixes:
- fcn iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone(), timezone standard/daylight (default, date) start
- fcns newComponent(),getComponents(), index settings
- fcns _setDate, _setDate2, input arg sanitize
- fcn getProperty(duration) format 4 will now include timezone from DTSTART
- some code and doc. typo errors.
- General:
- updated using.html
A new base release of imageHandler, a PHP (gd) back end class package
- crop region, resize, adapt size and convert
- of bmp, jpg, gif, png, xbmp and xbm image types
with preserved proportions and (for gif/png) transparency.
Release summary: 
- New functionality:
- new fcn iCalcreatorVersion(), return iCalcreator version
- new fcn replaceComponent()
- fcn setConfig, allow for parsing of https URLs
- fcn setConfig, allow parse of remote URL resource (if PHP fopen wrappers have been enabled)
- fcn setProperty, parse; allow digits (or "0") as UID
- Updates:
- simplified setting of UTC timestamp; DTSTAMP, CREATED, LAST-MODIFIED
- fcn selectComponents; partly reworked, new fcns in iCalUtilityFunctions
- fcn getProperty, partly reworked
- fcn getProperty, createGeo, _addXMLchild; mgnt geo output
- fcn parse, error control
- fcn setConfig(directory), always set realpath
- fcn iCalUtilityFunctions::convEolChar (used in parse), reworked
- Bug fixes:
- fcn selectcomponents, sort output on "Y-m-d h-i-s"
- fcn setProperty(ATTENDEE), no std params for VFREEBUSYs and VALARMs
- fcn setProperty(TRIGGER), week duration
- fcn iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone, adjusted date search boundaries for timezone(-s)
- fcn iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone, timezone search
- fcn selectComponents, incorrect timezone/UTC date mgnt in X-CURRENT-DTSTART/DTEND
- fcn setComponent, unset internal variables
- fcn iCal2XML, incorrect UTC date
- General:
- updated using.html
ical2essfeed is an iCalcreator extension class and converts iCal (rfc5545) to
ESS Feed,
using the iCalcreator library for the the iCal issues
and the php-ess library
for the ESS Feed part.
Release of llop
llop is a MySQL database order and product table management PHP/HTML script and based on
Linklok Paypal,
usage and table definition. Linklok Paypal "automates delivery of digital products after a Paypal transaction".
Release summary: 
iCalcreator PRO is designed for heavy duty, with up to 40% improved
performance, strictly OO refactored and reworked, 80% recoded with
robustness and maintainability in mind. The mature and well-established
codebase is assured by nine month of extensive and heavy testing.
iCalcreator PRO is targeted for companies, communities, media, associations and skillful developers/integrators!
iCalcreator PRO extends iCalcreator Standard:
- easy extendable thanks to clean and modular code
- same basic iCalcreator Standard (external) INPUT interface
all date properties will also accept a PHP dateTime object as input
- auto-split of input property comma-separated list values into sorted multiple properties
- same basic iCalcreator Standard (external) OUTPUT interface
the getProperty method will return iCal formatted (string) values/parameters
- xCal support removed
- XML (rfc6321) supported (create/parse) using helper functions
You can purchase iCalcreator Pro here!
The purchase is not a subscription service, there are no monthly fees and
includes one year of free upgrades and Premium support.
A Mantis Bug Tracker plugin. 
- The iCalExport Plugin adds calendar export capabilities to MantisBT.
- The iCalExport Plugin export selected MantisBT bug reports as calendar tasks (i.e. TODOs) in a iCal
media file (extension .ics) for import to a public calendar (ex. Google) or a
private calendar in a PC, pad or smartphone.
Release summary: 
- New functionality and Updates:
- backend url mgnt, getdata.php replaced by tinycal.php
- back end config mgnt and default values
- misc. back end rewrites: iCalcreator-2.x/3.x adapt, version mgnt, PEAR log adapt
- javascript cmd lock and Ajax mgnt
- Bug fixes:
- language mgnt
- adaption to iCal property RECURRENCE-ID
- back end json format mgnt
- back end directory mgnt
- box header long texts mgnt
- week display box mgnt
Announcement: New MAJOR release of iCalcreator Pro (3.0)
Release summary: 
- Refactored and Reworked
- up to 40% improved performance
- much more strictly OO design
- structured (and splitted) classes but still only one external "include"
- revised internal logic
- same basic iCalcreator 2.x INPUT interface but
- all date properties will also accept a PHP dateTime object as input
- same basic iCalcreator 2.x OUTPUT interface but
- the getProperty method will return iCal formatted values/parameter pairs (as strings)
- extended configuration management
- cfg use of 2.x date (array) output format
- cfg auto-split of property comma-separated list values into sorted multiple properties
- xCal support removed
- XML (rfc6321) supported (create/parse) using helper functions
- rewritten user manual
- and much more.. .
iCalcreator Pro are NOT going to be a free version, it will offered at a minor cost.
The LGPL iCalcreator 2.x version will still be maintained and improvements will
"feed" the Pro (3.x) version and vice versa.
Release summary: 
- New functionality:
- fcn XML2iCal, rewrite from the furure iCalcreator (Pro) 3.0.0
- Updates:
- fcn iCal2XML, updated from the furure iCalcreator (Pro) 3.0.0
- fcn _format_recur, updated from the furure iCalcreator (Pro) 3.0.0
- fcn _setDate, (_chkDateArr, _strdate2date), DTSTART etc
- fcn _setDate2 (_isArrayDate() DTSTAMP etc
- fcn createFreebusy, sort dates asc
- Bug fixes:
- fcn selectComponents, sequence usage
- fcn getComponent, making a selection based on a property value
- fcn _duration2arr, duration parts management
- fcn setDuration, empty input
- fcn sort, sort key setting
- mgnt of empty properties
- fcn parse, 'X-'-properties in an array of (iCal property) lines
- General:
- updated using.html
Release summary: 
- New functionality:
- fcn createRdate, sort rdates in ascending order
- fcn setUrl, using PHP filter for URL (URI) validation, returns FALSE on error
- Bug fixes:
- fcn selectComponents,RECURRENCE-ID may exist without SEQUENCE (i.e. SEQUENCE=0)
- fcn createRdate, _sortExdate1, _sortExdate2
Release summary: 
- Updates:
- making iCalcnv constructor log argument optional
- removed internal function "iCaldate2timestamp", moved "fixiCalString" to a static private function
- Bug fixes:
- config "outputobj" mgnt
- replacing specific PEAR LOG constants by PHP constants (PEAR_LOG_DEBUG -> LOG_DEBUG etc)
- new config "extension_check",default TRUE, if to check input file extension
- cvs2iCal and mgnt of escaped characters in input
Release summary: 
- New functionality:
- adding create functionality for all component types (also todo, journal and freebusy components)
- adding missing component properties
- create of internal directory/file control functions
- logging no longer mandatory
- Updates:
- configuration mgnt
- component properties mgnt
- internal function createTestFile
- internal log mgmt
Release summary: 
- New functionality:
- fcn createExdate, sort exdates in ascending order
- Updates:
- Moving vcalendar fcns to iCalUtilityFunctions (performance), sort callback function _cmpfcn, _size75, _strrep, _strunrep
- Bug fixes:
- fcn selectComponent, X-RECURRENCE and RECURRENCE-ID mgnt
- fcn selectComponents2, manage multiple components with the same UID
- General:
- No sort is required after fcn parse or before fcn selectComponents!
Release summary: 
- A major subrelease, main points are
- PHP 5.2 dateTime adaptions
- New functionality:
- config directive setPropertyNames, returns array of property names for all set properties in component, functions: getConfig, iCal2XML
- Updates:
- allow (empty) hour/minute/second parts in trigger/duration
- function _duration2str
- test resources (new jquery version etc)
- optimization function copy
- optimization, iCal2XML, _addXMLchild
- removed the unused iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2duration function
- moving the config setting of TZID from property create- to set-functions
- using.html
- Bug fixes:
- dateTime and timestamp mgnt, iCalcreator now requires PHP >= 5.2
- updated functions:_makeDtstamp, _chkdatecfg, _setDate, _setDate2, _strdate2date, _date2timestamp, _duration2date, _date2strdate, _isOffset, _setRexrule, _stepdate, _timestamp2date, _tz2offset, createTimezone, transformDateTime, ms2phpTZ, iCal2XML
- changed function names:, _date_time_string to _strdate2date, _format_date_time to _date2strdate, _date_time_arraye to _chkDateArr, _duration_array to _duration2arr, _duration_string to _durationStr2arr, _format_duration to _duration2str
- function parse, ignoring all non-standard iCal properties
- function _duration2date
- function createTimezone
- PHP 5.2 adaption (dateTime and timestamp), functions: createTimezone, _timestamp2date, transformDateTime
Release summary: 
- A major subrelease, main points are
- enhance management of Relationship Component Properties, ATTENDEE, CONTACT, ORGANIZER, RECURRENCE-ID, RELATED-TO, URL, UID
- updated file parse mgnt
- line 75 pos char. split functionality
- GEOLOCATION and vCard exports
- New functionality:
- hiphop adaptations,, function iCal2XML and XML2iCal NOT supported (using SimpleXML)
- export ATTENDEEs, ORGANIZERs and CONTACTs (if formatted as internet email) as vcard, new functions iCal2vCard, iCal2vCards
- function getProperty: added argument 'GEOLOCATION' will give output supporting ISO6709 "Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates"
- Updates:
- expand functions getProperty, (_getProperties,) getComponent, selectComponents and sort with CONTACTs, RELATED-TOs, URLs
- optimized method _size75 (removed mbstring part)
- function parse, line endings + empty lines mgnt
- function createTimezone, mgnt no match within date period
- removed default_timezone setting inside class file
- using.html
- test platform
- Bug fixes:
- function iCal2XML, typo error
- function setGEO input format, accepts 0 (zero) as input
- function createGEO output format
- function getProperty (_getProperties): empty properties mngnt
- function sort (_cmpfcn), sorting on argument, properties allowing multiple values, datetime
- function createPRODID, wrap PRODID at 75 pos
- language, set at calendar level, MUST affect the PRODID property
- function _size75, string split problems
- function setAttendee/setOrganizer, mgnt prefix MAILTO
- function getComponents, multiple property search values
Release summary: 
- Completely object-oriented recoded
- Offer ability to log to file (default), console, database, mail, error_log and syslog
- Multiple parallel handlers are supported
- Supports PHP error reporting
17/7 2012 Development subrelease iCalcreator-2.13dev
Release summary: 
- News
- Export ATTENDEEs, ORGANIZERs and CONTACTs (if internet email format) as vcard, new functions iCal2vCard, iCal2vCards
- Functions getProperty, getComponent and selectComponents, argument CONTACT
- Functions getProperty, getComponent and selectComponents, argument URL
- Function getProperty: added argument "GEOLOCATION", if GEO is set, will give output supporting ISO6709 "Standard representation of geographic point location by coordinates"
- Updates
- function createGEO, latitude/longitud output format, utput: latitude: two digits, up to six decimal fractions, longitude: one digit up to six decimal fractions
- Removed default_timezone setting
- Optimized function _size75
- Managing (mixed) EOLs when parsing files, "non rfc5545/rfc2445 line ending characters", parse functions
- Bug fixes
- Typo error in function iCal2XML
- Function setGEO, latitude/longitud input format, accepts zero (0) as input, int input converted to float
- Function getProperty (_getProperties): empty properties mngnt
- Wrap PRODID at 75 pos
- Language, set at calendar level, must affect the PRODID property
- Functions setAttendee/setOrganizer, managing prefix MAILTO
- General
- Updating the test platform
- Major update of using.html, layout and content
Get and test the development release at sourceforge or
Release summary: 
- Completely recoded, now as a PHP class
- Will generate all calendar event properties (configurable)
Test tiCalFile here.
Release summary: 
The test resources are intended to supplement iCalcreator manual how to use iCalcrator and includes:
- how to set iCal properties and check parsing, the "testSuite"
- the iCalcreator "selectComponents" method (format 1), and especially the rdate/rrule properties
- how to use iCalcreator "getProperty" method on "calendar" and "component" level
- how to use iCalcreator "createTimezone" method
- look at time zones transitions using PHP built in DateTimeZone class and "iCalcreator helper functions"
- review/download PHP implementation of iCal use-cases
Explore the test resources here.
Release summary: 
- Concatenated iCalcreator class, utilityFunction class and helper functions in iCalcreator.class.php file
- new functionality:
- external time zone helper function contributions:getTimezonesAsDateArrays (expandTimezoneDates) and getTzOffsetForDate
- create and parse of rfc6321 XML
- ms2phpTZ, mapping of MS outlook time zones to PHP
- createComponent, sorting standard/daylight subComponents
- uppdates:
- parsing dates with extended (MS outlook) time zones
- returnCalendar, only create header 'content-length' when gziping output
- _setDate _setDate2, setExdate, setRdate, utc offset management, Z-suffix
- createTimezone (_setTZrrule), fixing from/to UTC offset and rdate(-s)
- checking x-props names, start with 'x-'/'X-'
- parse, management of list content in TEXT properties
- all rfc5545 parameters with 'DQUOTE' settings
- transformDateTime, accepting input date in array format
- property ATTACH and large file attachments
- fixed bugs:
- selectComponents, (continue if) missing dtstart
- selectComponents: long 'event' starting before period
- setProperty, management of properties with multiple ocurrences
- _tz2offset, plus/minus error
- getConfig, 'directory' or 'filename' couldn't accept '0' (zero)
- _size75, correct line break when property content ends with '0' at pos 76
- _setRexrule, UNTIL in DATE format
- ATTENDEE, parsing error
- setFREEBUSY, empty property
- set/create RELATED-TO mgnt
- update of PRODID when (re-)setting 'unique_id'
- updated user guide
Release summary: 
- iCalcnv is reworked into a single class, using a simple configuration set method.
- the former main functions; iCal2csv, iCal2xls and cvs2iCal are now public methods in the class.
- an iCalcreator calendar instance can be used as input (iCal2csv, iCal2xls) or returned as output (cvs2iCal) to ease up integration with iCalcreator
- PEAR Log (or eClog) is supported
Release summary: 
- new functionality:
- Concatenating all class files into one file
- updates:
- Changed 2nd argument to dbiCal select method: using iCalcreator calendar array config format
- admin interface (, when using compare) removing unnecessary parse, sort and save
- testing byte encoded class file(-s)
- fixed bugs:
- admin interface (config tab) when log file is defined but not created
Release summary: 
- fixed bugs:
- function selectComponents; RECURRENCE-ID management
- updated user guide
- UTC timezone usage
- relationship between getProperty/selectComponents functions
- other minor clarifications
Release summary: 
tinycal 3.0, ported to jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.4 for display and Axaj logics.
Release summary: 
- updates:
- xcal (xml) format update
- function setConfig (component level), setting 'nl' always before 'format'
- fixed bugs:
- selectComponents with last arguments (false, true, false)
- iCalUtilityFunctions::_recur2date, FREQ=YEARLY + BYDAY - combination
- returnCalendar; removing Content-Length header
- updated user guide etc.
Release summary: 
- new functionality:
- Evaluate, test and use of ionCube PHP byte file encoder
- update of functions
- selectComponents, changed order of generating components
- setSequence, value 0 (zero) first value
- setConfig, force setting of Directory before Filename
- _size75, updated management of line folding (again.. .)
- fixed bugs:
- _size75, typo error
- _makeDtstamp, typo error
- selectComponents, setting start/end-dates (x-prop) for events longer than 24h
- updated using manual
- missing links, STATUS etc
Release summary: 
tinycal 3.0, ported to jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.4 for display and Axaj logics.
Please feel free to take a look and test it here
and use the contact page and communicate your opinion!
Preliminary release date is late October.
Release summary: 
A file locking mechanism is implemented to avoid parallel excutions.
Release summary: 
Extended version supporting singleton pattern, simplified log calls etc.
Release summary: 
- new functionality:
- transform a datetime from a timezone to another using PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone class (PHP >= PHP 5.2.0)
- updates:
- parse, ensure (vtimezone) standard/daylight component order
- iCalUtilityFunctions::createTimezone, creating RRULEs
- iCalUtilityFunctions::_setDate
- fixed bugs:
- adaptation for PHP STRICT error_reporting
updated using manual
Release summary: 
- new functionality:
- getProperty, sort, getComponent and selectComponents with new arguments: Attendee, Categories, DTSTAMP, Location, Organizer, Priority, Resources, Status, Summary properties
- simple create of timezone (including standard/daylight) component
- auto completion of (default) timezone when setting DTEND, DTSTART, DUE, RECURRENCE-ID
- new arguments for utf8 encoding and gzencode in function returnCalendar
- updates:
- get- and setfunction, properties with numeric (integer) content
- parse, management of line folding when parsing
- getProperty and deleteProperty, management of properties with multiple ocurrence
- parse on calendar level, set config when creating new component etc
- update of getConfig and all config setting on calendar and component level
- calendar property VERSION always first in calendar
- fixed bugs:
- iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2date
- selectComponents
- setFreebusy
- createAttendee
- TRIGGER with no duration
- iCalUtilityFunctions::_recur2date(, _setRexrule), BYSETPOS
- updated using manual
As usual, exhaustive regression tests has been executed to verify the release as well as external beta testing.
The iCalcreator 2.10 beta test period has started, if you are interested to have a look and squeeze on iCalcreator v2.10rc2
package, please use the contact page.
Release summary: 
- updates:
- updated management of line folding
- updated functions getProperty, sort, SelectComponents, works with Attendee, Categories, (dtstamp, ) Location, Organizer, Priority, Resources, Status and Summary properties
- New:
- simple create of timezone (including standard/daylight) component(-s)
- auto completion of (default) timezone when setting DTEND, DTSTART, DUE, RECURRENCE-ID
- fixed bugs:
- management of properties with numeric (integer) content; PERCENT-COMPLETE, PRIORITY, REPEAT, SEQUENCE, X-PROP
- function iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration2date
- function selectComponents
- function createAttendee
- using TRIGGER with no duration
- function SelectComponents regarding X-CURRENT-*-values
- function setFreebusy, empty property
- function setFreebusy if property is empty.. .
Release summary: 
- Offer extended property parameter setting.
Release summary: 
After a successfull beta release test period, the official release.
- supporting ALL calendar information; timezone, event, todo,journal and freebusy components with all properties, including x-properties.
- using pear MDB2 as database API and iCalcreator (2.8) as the calendar information API, opt pear Log
- simple interface functions; insert, select and delete calendar information
- includes a web admin page, offering ability to upload, insert, examine (file), inspect (db), removal and compare of calendar files.
- changed licence to LGPL.
Release summary: 
dbiCal has during the beta tests been extended to
- support storage of metadata, ex. calendar/user references (or preferences)
- include web administrator interface
Please contact if you would like to participarte!
24/1 2011 eventCreator 2.4rc is available for Beta testing.
Release summary: 
- Test online
- Please contact if you would like to download and test!
Release summary: 
- adapt for prototype 1.7 javascript framework
- time (date) display in component view
- includes alarms in non-total downloads
Release summary: 
dbiCal is a PHP database backend solution storing (multiple) iCal calendar files in a database
using pear MDB2 as database API and iCalcreator 2.8 as the API for calendar information.
Please contact if you would like to participarte!
Release summary: 
- The 2.4 version is updated to use iCalcreator 2.8 and javascript adaptations.
- Supports en, fr, it and se languages.
Release summary: 
- new factory-method for creating components
- simplified configuration
- utility (static) functions collected in support class
- refactored sort and selectComponents functions
- multibyte character support (opt. mb_string)
- value (protocol) prefix (Attendee, Organizer etc.)
- a major number of minor bugs fixed e.g. date (UTC), text properties, duration
- updated using manual
As usual, exhaustive regression tests has been executed to verify the release.