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kigkonsult offer professional services for software support, design and new/re-development, customizations and adaptations
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If you need any custom modules, modification or amendment based on iCalcreator
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iCalcreator used in.. .
- AgenDAV
- albaven
- All-in-One Event Calendar
- Bugscope
- Date iCal
- Dokeos
- event_connect
- ESS Feed
- Exponent CMS
- EQDKP Plus
- GCalendar
- Gumbo Millennium
- Hypecal
- iCal
- JCal Pro
- kitEvent
- luryevents
- MarkupiCalendar
- One Big SYSTem
- Open Atrium
- Repository based CMS
- sfiCalCreatorPlugin
- Telaen
- terncal
- twical
- Virtual Loup-De-Mer
- "Weather Forecast"
- And many more.. .
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Credits & Licenses 
iCalcreator and the related PHP software was conceived and written by Kjell-Inge Gustafsson.
Many people have contributed, through providing questions, issues, reporting bugs and sending patches.
iCalcreator (standard) and the related PHP software are released under the
ipTools is a PHP IP number utility toolbox.
"Don't thrust an IP address... ", but sometime you have to deal with them..
- Provides IP v4/v6
- validation: IP in IP/network(CIDR) ranges
- and util services:
- is valid IP,
- expand/compress IP number
- IP number to binary and reverse
- netmask/cidr etc
- ...
With courtesy of and inspiration from Paul Gregg <pgregg_at_pgregg_dot_com>
and the excellent functions decbin32 and ip_in_range.
Click to get ipTools
from github
- at packagist
How to check an IPv4/v6 number is valid and in a validity range :
1 - Build a validity range filter
$validityRange = [
'', // specific match
'' // within a range
'192.168.1.* // with wildcard
' // cidr
'' // or netmask
For filters in detail, examine IpTool::isIpNumInRange, below.
2a - 'ad hoc' check
use Kigkonsult\IpTools\IpTool;
if( ! Iptool::factory( $validityRange )->checkIPnumInRange( $IpNumToTest )) {
echo 'error message';
- Iptool::factory( [ filter ] )
- filter array|string
- throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid filter.
2b - class instance check (with added filter)
use Kigkonsult\IpTools\IpTool;
$ipValidator = new Iptool( $baseFilterArr );
$adHocFilter = '192.168.4.*';
if( ! $ipValidator->addFilter( $adHocFilter )
->checkIPnumInRange( $IpNumToTest )) {
echo 'error message';
- Iptool::__construct( [ filter ] )
- filter array|string
- throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid filter.
- IpTool::AddFilter( filter )
- filter array|string
- throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid filter.
- IpTool::deleteFilter()
- removes filter
- IpTool::getFilter()
- returns (array) filter.
(static) METHODS
Here you will find of IPnumber utility methods
- IpTool::isValidIP( ipNum )
- Return bool true on valid IP (string) v4/v6 number
- IpTool::expand( ipNum )
- Return expanded (string) IPv4 number to 4 octets / full IPv6 number
- IpTool::isIpNumInRange( ipNum , array acceptRanges [, & matchIx ] )
- Return bool true if (valid) (string) IPv4/v6 number match
(any element in array of) IPv4/v6-network filter range(s)
- on found, (int) matchIx holds the filter range array index
- For filters in detail, examine IpTool::isIpv4InRange and IpTool::isIpv6InRange, below.
- IpTool::cidr2NetmaskBin( cidr, bitNum )
- Return (int) IPv4/v6 CIDR block as binary
- bitNum: (int) 32 (IpV4) / 128 (IpV6)
IPv4 utility methods
- IpTool::isValidIPv4( ipNum )
- Return bool true on valid (string) IPv4 number
- IpTool::hasIPv4port( ipNum )
- Return bool true if IP v4 number has trailing port
- IpTool::getIPv4port( ipNum )
- Return IP v4 port
- IpTool::getIPv4withoutPort( ipNum )
- Return IP v4 without port
- IpTool::IPv42bin( ipNum )
- Return (string) IPv4 number as binary
- IpTool::bin2IPv4( IPbin )
- Return binary as IPv4 number
- IpTool::IpTool::decbin32( dec )
- Return binary string (left-)padded to 32 bit numbers
- IpTool::hasIPv4ValidHost( ipNum )
- Return true if hostName exists for a valid (string) IPv4 number and resolves back
- IpTool::expandIPv4( $ipNum )
- Return expanded (string) IPv4 number to 4 octets
- IpTool::isValidIPv4Cidr( cidr )
- Return bool true on valid (int) IPv4 cidr
- IpTool::ipv4CIDR2Netmask( cidr )
- Return (int) IPv4 cidr as netmask
- IpTool::ipv4Netmask2Cidr( netmask )
- Return (string) IPv4 netmask as cidr
- IpTool::getNetworkFromIpv4Cidr( ipNum, cidr )
- Return IPv4 network from (string) IPv4num and (int) cidr
- IpTool::IPv4Breakout( ipAddress, ipNetmaskCidr [, outputAsIpNum = false ] )
- Return array( network, firstIp, lastIP, broadcastIp )
- ipAddress string
- ipNetmaskCidr = (string) netmask or (int) cidr
- outputAsIpNum = false returns binary
- outputAsIpNum = true returns (string) Ipv4 numbers
- IpTool::isIPv4InRange( ipNum , array acceptRanges [, & matchIx ] )
- Return true if (valid) (string) IPv4 match any element in array of IPv4/network ranges
- on found, (int) matchIx holds the filter range array index
- IPv4 network filter ranges can be specified as:
example | type
'*' | Accept all IPs // warning, accepts all
'' | Specific Ipv4
'1.2.3.*' | Ipv4 with wildcard
'1.2.3/24' | Ipv4 with cidr
'' | Ipv4/netmask format
'' | Start-End Ipv4 range, note, '-' as separator
- NOTE, a search for match is done array order !!
IPv6 utility methods
- IpTool::isValidIPv6( ipNum )
- Return true on valid (string) IPv6 number
- IpTool::hasIPv6port( ipNum )
- Return bool true if IP v6 number has trailing port
- IpTool::getIPv6port( ipNum )
- Return IP v6 port
- IpTool::getIPv6withoutPort( ipNum )
- Return IP v6 without port
- IpTool::isIPv4MappedIPv6( ipNum )
- Return bool true if (string) IP is v4 mapped IPv6
- IpTool::IPv62bin( ipNum )
- Return IPv6 number as binary
- IpTool::bin2IPv6( IPbin )
- Return binary string as IPv6 number
- IpTool::getIpv6InterfaceIdentifier( ipNum )
- Return (unicast/anycast) (string) IPv6 number interface identifier (last 64 bits as hex)
- IpTool::getIpv6NetworkPrefix( ipNum )
- Return (unicast/anycast) (string) IPv6 number network prefix (first 64 bits as hex)
- IpTool::expandIPv6( ipNum )
- Return expanded (condensed) full (string) IP v6 number
- IpTool::compressIPv6( ipNum )
- ipNum string
- Return condensed IPv6 number or IPv6 bitBlock group
- IpTool::isValidIPv6Cidr( cidr )
- Return bool true on valid (int) IP v6 cidr
- IpTool::isIPv6InRange( ipNum , array acceptRanges [, & matchIx ] )
- Return bool true if (valid) IP number match any element in array of IP/network ranges
- ipNum string
- on found, (int) matchIx holds the filter range array index
- IPv6 network filter ranges can be specified as:
example | type
'*' | Accept all IPs // warning, accepts all
'<IPv6num>' | Specific Ipv6
'<IPv6num>/82' | Ipv6 with cidr
'<IPv6num>-<IPv6num>' | Start-End Ipv6 range, note, '-' as separator
- NOTE, a search for match is done array order !!