Now 129354 iCalcreator
users worldwide!!
You can show your appreciation for our free software
and can support future development by making a donation to the kigkonsult projects.
Make a donation of any size by clicking here. Thanks in advance!
kigkonsult offer professional services for software support, design and new/re-development, customizations and adaptations
of PHP/MySQL solutions with focus on software lifecycle management, including long term utility, reliability and maintainability.
If you need any custom modules, modification or amendment based on iCalcreator
to suit your needs or professional support, don't hesitate to contact us.
iCalcreator used in.. .
- AgenDAV
- albaven
- All-in-One Event Calendar
- Bugscope
- Date iCal
- Dokeos
- event_connect
- ESS Feed
- Exponent CMS
- EQDKP Plus
- GCalendar
- Gumbo Millennium
- Hypecal
- iCal
- JCal Pro
- kitEvent
- luryevents
- MarkupiCalendar
- One Big SYSTem
- Open Atrium
- Repository based CMS
- sfiCalCreatorPlugin
- Telaen
- terncal
- twical
- Virtual Loup-De-Mer
- "Weather Forecast"
- And many more.. .
Tell us
what iCalcreator is missing,
use the contact page
Credits & Licenses 
iCalcreator and the related PHP software was conceived and written by Kjell-Inge Gustafsson.
Many people have contributed, through providing questions, issues, reporting bugs and sending patches.
iCalcreator (standard) and the related PHP software are released under the
tinycal v3.2
tinycal is a small HTML calendar box, displaying calendar information from
local and/or remote calendar files (
) or even urls, ex. Google calendar.
tinycal offers access to calendar information in month, week, day, list and
component views and offers also ablility to download a (complete, part of or
single event within) calendar file. tinycal is only 220px in width
(configurable), "calendar-in-a-box"
tinycal displays "vevent" (default), "vtodo" or "vjournal" calendar component '
types except any (included) "valarm" components and supports recurring events
(component properties rdate, rrule etc).
More than one tinycal box can be showed on the same page, showing contents from
different sources.
tinycal (HTMl front end) is written completely in javascript and used in a HTML page as script-tags,
using Ajax technology and a PHP Axaj backend.
tinycal v3.2 uses
jQuery JavaScript Library for display and Axaj logics
managing calendar files by the Ajax backend PHP script
Download tinycal with the included README here.
tinycal shows here four artificial calendar calendars, based on iCal files (recreated every 24h, using the
tiCalFile package) with 60 events,
starting today and the coming ten days, each day with five events, including some recurrent events.
This content is outdated and the product is no longer being maintained or maintained upon request only.
This content is provided as a courtesy for individuals who are still using these technologies.
This page may contain URLs that were valid when originally published, but now link to sites or pages that may no longer exist.
Read the lastest release news here.