- OpenSSLToolbox
- provides object-oriented, secure and extended access to PHP OpenSSL functions
- OpenSSLPkeyFactory class
- assembles the OpenSSL pkey functions
- OpenSSLCsrFactory class
- assembles the OpenSSL CSR functions
- OpenSSLX509Factory class
- assembles the OpenSSL x509 functions
- OpenSSLPkcs7Factory class
- assembles the OpenSSL pkcs7 functions
- OpenSSLPkcs12Factory class
- assembles the OpenSSL pkcs12 functions
- OpenSSLSpkiFactory class
- assembles the OpenSSL spki functions
- OpenSSLFactory class
- assembles remaining OpenSSL functions
- HashFactory and HmacHashFactory class
- provide supplementary methods for message digest / hmac digest support
- Assert and Convert classes
- provide asserts and convenient salt, base64, hex, pack utility etc methods
Click to get OpenSSLToolbox
from github
- at packagist
- All class methods has
- argument validation and throws InvalidArgumentException on error
- errorHandler protection and result error evaluation, throws RuntimeException on error
- Method names originates from OpenSSL function names
- Ex 'openssl_pkey_export' is encapsulated in method OpenSSLPkeyFactory::export()
- Most methods has also more convenient and describable named method alias
- Ex OpenSSLPkeyFactory::getPrivateKeyAsPemString() for 'openssl_pkey_export'
- The OO-classes has
- 'factory' methods, support 'one-liners'
- inherit usefull constants defind in the OpenSSLInterface
- chainable methods (ex setters, ie return 'static')
namespace Kigkonsult\OpenSSLToolbox;
$config = [
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::PRIVATEKEYBITS => 4096,
$pKeyFactory = new OpenSSLPkeyFactory( $config );
// Generate a private key
$privateKeyString = $pKeyFactory->getPrivateKeyAsPemString();
// Generate a public key
$publicKeyString = $pKeyFactory->getPublicKeyAsPemString();
// or
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
// or one-liner, all-in-one
list( $privateKeyString, $publicKeyString ) =
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
// or to files
OpenSSLPkeyFactory::factory( $config )
->savePrivatePublicKeyPairIntoPemFiles( 'priv.pem', 'pub.pem' )
// Distinguished Name or subject fields to be used in the certificate
$DN = [
OpenSSLCsrFactory::COUNTRYNAME => "GB",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::STATEORPROVINCENAME => "Somerset",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::LOCALITYNAME => "Glastonbury",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONNAME => "The Brain Room Limited",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::ORGANIZATIONUNITNAME => "PHP Documentation Team",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::COMMONNAME => "Wez Furlong",
OpenSSLCsrFactory::EMAILADDRESS => ""
// Generate a certificate signing request
$csrFactory = OpenSSLCsrFactory::factory( $DN, $privateKeyString, $config );
$csrCertString = $csrFactory->getCSRasPemString();
// Generate a self-signed cert
$x509CertResource = $csrFactory->getX509CertResource( null, $privateKeyString );
$x509Factory = OpenSSLX509Factory::factory()
->setX509Resource( $x509CertResource );
$x509CertString = $x509Factory->getX509CertAsPemString();
// or shorter
$x509CertString = OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
// or save to pem/der-file
OpenSSLX509Factory::csrFactory( null, $DN, $privateKeyString, $config )
->saveX509CertIntoPemFile( 'cert.pem' );
// ->saveX509CertIntoDerFile( 'cert.der' )
// Seal data using public key(s)
$data = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL seal/open, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$recipientId = 'The Recipient';
$publicKeys = [ $recipientId => $publicKeyString ];
list( $sealed, $envelopeKeys ) = OpenSSLFactory::getSealedString( $data, $publicKeys );
// Open (decrypted) data using private key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getOpenedSealedString(
$sealed, $envelopeKeys[$recipientId], $privateKeyString
$data = implode( array_fill( 0, 100, 'Testing OpenSSL encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. '));
$cipher = 'AES-256-ECB';
$passPhrase = Workshop::getSalt();
// encrypt string
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getEncryptedString( $data, $cipher, $passPhrase );
// decrypt string
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getDecryptedString( $encrypted, $cipher, $passPhrase );
More encrypt/decrypt
$data = 'Testing OpenSSL public/private encrypt/decrypt, !"#¤%&/()=?. ';
// Encrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyEncryptedString( $data, $publicKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $privateKeyString );
// Encrypt the data using the PRIVATE key
$encrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getprivateKeyEncryptedString( $data, $privateKeyString );
// Decrypt the data using the PUBLIC key
$decrypted = OpenSSLFactory::getpublicKeyDecryptedString( $encrypted, $publicKeyString );