Now 129354 iCalcreator
users worldwide!!
You can show your appreciation for our free software
and can support future development by making a donation to the kigkonsult projects.
Make a donation of any size by clicking here. Thanks in advance!
kigkonsult offer professional services for software support, design and new/re-development, customizations and adaptations
of PHP/MySQL solutions with focus on software lifecycle management, including long term utility, reliability and maintainability.
If you need any custom modules, modification or amendment based on iCalcreator
to suit your needs or professional support, don't hesitate to contact us.
iCalcreator used in.. .
- AgenDAV
- albaven
- All-in-One Event Calendar
- Bugscope
- Date iCal
- Dokeos
- event_connect
- ESS Feed
- Exponent CMS
- EQDKP Plus
- GCalendar
- Gumbo Millennium
- Hypecal
- iCal
- JCal Pro
- kitEvent
- luryevents
- MarkupiCalendar
- One Big SYSTem
- Open Atrium
- Repository based CMS
- sfiCalCreatorPlugin
- Telaen
- terncal
- twical
- Virtual Loup-De-Mer
- "Weather Forecast"
- And many more.. .
Tell us
what iCalcreator is missing,
use the contact page
Credits & Licenses 
iCalcreator and the related PHP software was conceived and written by Kjell-Inge Gustafsson.
Many people have contributed, through providing questions, issues, reporting bugs and sending patches.
iCalcreator (standard) and the related PHP software are released under the
defs is a PHP definition handle class package,
- managing keyed data like
- configurations
- definitions
- locales
- etc
on a
- class / namespace / HTML page / mvc / component / module / plugin / system
(aka node) basis.
The purpose of defs is five-folded:
- providing keyed data
- using the "separation-of-concern" paradigm,
- assemble configuration/definition/locale management,
not mixed up in business logic,
- contributing higher security
- placing classified or sensitive key data
outside the webserver document root,
- consolidating, simultaneously, multiple structured data sources
- csv/ini/php/text/PO source files,
- using PHP scripts as defs data source,
provides adaptability to any PHP software,
- database source, currently, MySQL/MariaDB,
- access to the lastest updated source data,
using ttl logic, on each date source base,
- supporting
- highly demanding and/or changing environments.
defs operates in a singleton mode, on node basis (as defined above), or as single object instances.
The class package includes
- the PHP defs factory, base and utility classes, doing the hard work,
- a comprising test set, demonstrating defs use and capabilities.
defs is free for non-commercial use, i.e. for evaluation, education or personal use.
Click to get defs for non-commercial use
defs licenced for commercial use, a one time purchase, no subscription service and no
monthly fees.
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