- PHP SDK of XML Digital Signature recomendation
- based on the XSD schema.
and provide
- dto's
- with getters and setters, no other logic
- XML parse into dto(s)
- XML write of dto(s)
- logic aid support
- convenient salt, base64, hex, pack etc unility methods
- message digest support
- message hmac digest support
- encryption/decryption support
Click to get DsigSdk
from github
- at packagist
Usage, parse XML
To parse an Dsig (Signature root) XML file (using XMLReader) :
namespace Kigkonsult\DsigSdk;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\XMLParse\DsigParser;
$dsig = DsigParser::factory()->parse(
file_get_contents( 'DsigFile.xml' )
$signedInfo = $dsig->getsignedInfo();
The XML parser save the XMLreader node properties
(baseURI, localName, name, namespaceURI, prefix)
for each XML (Dto) element as 'XMLattributes'
as well as XML attributes (xmlns, xmlns:*, schemaLocation),
if set (more info below).
'any' [XSD] elements are accepted as 'Anytype' object instances
(more info below, 'AnyType').
Usage, build up structure
To build up dsig structure:
namespace Kigkonsult\DsigSdk;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\AnyType;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\CanonicalizationMethodType;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\KeyInfoType;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\SignedInfoType;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\SignatureType;
use Kigkonsult\DsigSdk\Dto\SignatureValueType;
$dsig = SignatureType::factory()
->setAlgorithm( SignatureType::MINICANONICAL )
->setAny( [
->setElementName( 'nonSchemaElement1')
->setAttributes( [
'id' => '12345'
] )
->setContent( 'Lr1mKGxP7VAgMB...' ),
->setElementName( 'nonSchemaElement2')
->setSubElements( [
->setElementName( 'nonSchemaElement3')
->setContent( 'Lr1mKGxP7VAgMB...' ),
] )
->setSignatureValueType( 'vgGZnRlm8...' )
->setKeyInfoType( [
[ // one set of elements
[ // element
SignatureType::X509DATA =>
->setX509Certificate( ... )
] )
XML attributes
You can set (single 'element') XMLattribute using
$dsig->setXMLAttribut( , );
To set (ex. prefix) and 'propagate' down in hierarchy:
$dsig->setXMLAttribut( SignatureType::PREFIX, , true );
You can remove (single 'element') XMLattribute using
$dsig->unsetXMLAttribut( );
To unset (ex. prefix) and 'propagate' down in hierarchy:
$dsig->unsetXMLAttribut( SignatureType::PREFIX, true );
To fetch and iterate over XMLAttributes
foreach( $dsig->getXMLAttributes() as $key => $value {
Anytype object instances are used for 'any' [XSD] elements.
The element name are stored and fetched with
$anytype->setElementName( );
$anytypeName = $anytype->getElementName();
The 'any' [XSD] element attributes may include XML attributes.
The AnyType attributes are stored and fetched as array.
$anytype->setAttributes( [ => ] );
foreach( $anytype->getAttributes() as $key => $value {
Note, an AnyType instance may have
- content
- type string,
- AnyType::setContent()
- AnyType::getContent()
- sub-elements
- type array [*AnyType]
- AnyType::setSubElements()
- AnyType::getSubElements()
but not both.
Usage, output as XML
DsigSdk uses XMLWriter creating output.
$XMLstring = DsigWriter::factory()->write( $dsig );
- The XMLwriter adds for each element
- element name with prefix, if exists
- XMLattribute xmlns, xmlns:* and schemaLocation, if exists.
Usage, output as DomNode
$domNode = DsigWriter::factory()->write( $dsig, true );
For class structure and architecture
please review
the XSD
class design, docs/Dsig.png
the src/DtoLoader directory
- You may find convenient constants in
- src/DsigInterface.php
- src/XMLAttributesInterface.php