Now 129347 iCalcreator
users worldwide!!


kigkonsult offer professional services for software support, design and new/re-development, customizations and adaptations of PHP/MySQL solutions with focus on software lifecycle management, including long term utility, reliability and maintainability.

If you need any custom modules, modification or amendment based on iCalcreator to suit your needs or professional support, don't hesitate to contact us.

iCalcreator used in.. .

  • AgenDAV
  • albaven
  • All-in-One Event Calendar
  • Bugscope
  • Date iCal
  • Dokeos
  • event_connect
  • ESS Feed
  • Exponent CMS
  • EQDKP Plus
  • GCalendar
  • GLPI
  • Gumbo Millennium
  • Hypecal
  • iCal
  • JCal Pro
  • kitEvent
  • luryevents
  • MarkupiCalendar
  • One Big SYSTem
  • Open Atrium
  • Repository based CMS
  • sfiCalCreatorPlugin
  • Telaen
  • terncal
  • twical
  • Virtual Loup-De-Mer
  • "Weather Forecast"
  • And many more.. .

Tell us

what iCalcreator is missing,
use the contact page

Support us

Link to our site from yours! - iCal PHP software 

We will create a link to your site in our list of featured users!

Credits & Licenses plus

iCalcreator and the related PHP software was conceived and written by Kjell-Inge Gustafsson.

Many people have contributed, through providing questions, issues, reporting bugs and sending patches.

iCalcreator (standard) and the related PHP software are released under the LGPL  /  GPL  /  CC licences.

This site uses:
jQuery TimepickerMIT/GPL
prototypeCC BY-SA

iCal Resources and Links

[iCal document resources]
[iCal export & import Howto]
[iCal Tips & Tricks]
[iCal validators]
[Calendar Softvare]
[Web Calendar Services]
[RSS/RDF document resources]

iCalcreator used in.. .

AgenDAVAgenDAV is an open source CalDAV web client
albavenun Sistema Informático Abierto de Gestión Unificada para Unidades Educacionales
All-in-One Event CalendarCalendar Software for Everybody, a WordPress plugin
Bugscopefree interactive access to a scanning electron microscope (SEM)
Date iCala Drupal plugin
Dokeosan elearning and course management web application
event_connectan iCal import/export tool in lorea
ESS FeedESS: A XML Standard - ESS is The Events Feed
Exponent CMSa website content management system
EQDKP PlusThe Gamer CMS & DKP system
GCalendarconnects google calendars with your Joomla powered web site
GLPIan Information Resource-Manager
Gumbo MillenniumStudentenvereniging Gumbo Millennium
HypecalThere is always something going on
iCala Drupal suite of iCal integration modules
JCal Proan events calendar for Joomla
kitEventEvent manager and calendar for WebsiteBaker and LEPTON CMS
luryeventsauto updating for your favorite events
MarkupiCalendara Processwire module
One Big SYSTema Feng Office calendar module
Open Atriuma collaboration platform
Repository based CMSA CMS system based on the structure of the dokeos LCMS (2.0) code
sfiCalCreatorPlugina Symfony plugin
Telaena webmail interface
terncalthe WordPress Event System
twicaltakes a web calendar or ics file and tweets it "from you"
Virtual Loup-De-Mera web-based real-time Sailboat-routing simulation
"Weather Forecast" a UK ‘Weather Forecast’ PHP Calendar Service

And many, many more.. ..look especially at Ohloh Code.

Please use the contact page if you would like to

  • report your site / application / module / plugin as a new entry in the list
  • report a dead link
  • tell us what iCalcreator is missing!!

iCal document resources

rfc2445, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar)
rfc2446, iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) Scheduling Events, BusyTime, To-dos and Journal Entries
rfc5545, Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar) Obsoletes: rfc2445
rfc5546, iCalendar Transport-Independent Interoperability Protocol (iTIP) Obsoletes: rfc2446
Link to all RFCs at The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Time zone
Calendaring and Scheduling Consortium
CD1102 Calendaring and Scheduling Glossary of Terms V2.0.pdf
Date and Time on the Internet

iCal export & import Howto


iCal Tips & Tricks

The following properties (as described in wikipedia:iCal) MAY be required when importing iCal files into some calendaring software (MS etc.):
 on calendar level
 METHOD property (value PUBLISH etc.)
 X-WR-CALNAME (x-property)
 X-WR-CALDESC (x-property)
 X-WR-RELCALID (x-property)
 X-WR-TIMEZONE (x-property)
 on component level in a vtimezone component
 X-LIC-LOCATION (x-property)
 For detailed information about MS additional descriptors
 please examine
Regarding the iCal properties CATEGORIES, EXDATE, FREEBUSY, RDATE and RESOURCES, which MAY occur more than once and MAY also be specified as a COMMA-separated list, Google Calendar has been reported to prefer multiple single occurrences when importing iCal files;

iCal validators iCalendar Validator, based on DDay.iCal iCalendar Validator, based on iCal4j

Calendar Softvare

PHP iCalendar

Web Calendar Services


RSS/RDF document resources

RSS Tutorial
Resource Description Framework (RDF)
RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0
RDF Site Summary (RSS) 1.0 specification
RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Dublin Core
RSS Module Dublin Core
RDF Site Summary 1.0 Modules: Event
RSS Module Event
FEED Validator for Atom and RSS
FEED Validator

Free images

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rdf rss rss1 rss2 rss2

csv csv xls xls

If the download do not start, please refresh the page and try again!

The PHP software was conceived
and written by Kjell-Inge Gustafsson.
Many people have contributed,
hrough providing questions, issues,
reporting bugs and sending patches.
The PHP software are released under the LGPL  /  GPL  /  CC licences. Terms and Conditions
Privacy & Cookies Policy
Linking Policy
GitHub contact
Copyright © 2008-2024 Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult, All rights reserved
Product names mentioned herein are or may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.